Chimney Rock Interpretive Association (CRIA) invites the public to support their efforts to provide increased numbers of visitors with a meaningful, enjoyable, educational experience through interpretive tours and special programs and to the long term preservation of Chimney Rock National Monument by participating in the Raffle for the Rocks. Raffle tickets are now available for purchase at Chimney Rock National Monument, The Pagosa Springs Area Chamber of Commerce located at 105 Hot Springs Blvd and The Choke Cherry Tree in Talisman Plaza. Not in Pagosa? Call the Chimney Rock Visitor Cabin at (970) 883-5359.
Only 250 tickets will be sold at $50 per ticket and the winner will receive 25% of the money collected. If all the tickets are sold, the winner gets $3125! The drawing will take place on September 4, 2017 at Chimney Rock National Monument, but you do not need to present to win. Purchase your ticket soon or go in on a ticket with friends and split the money. This could be an exciting win for you and Chimney Rock!