Written by: John Gwin
CRIA Volunteer and Former CRIA Board President
Are you aware Chimney Rock Interpretive Association (CRIA), a non-profit 501(c)3, pays the Federal Government to be able to run the daily operations and interpretive programs at Chimney Rock National Monument (CRNM) in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service? Under a special use permit, CRIA owes the government over $6,000 annually as a “concessionaire.” Fortunately, through the Granger/Thye Agreement, CRIA is able to offset this amount by providing labor and materials used to maintain the site. In addition CRIA has an annual operating budget of over $125,000.
This is why it is important that the greater community support CRIA with donations. Without public support, CRIA would be unable to provide the services that keep the interpretive programs at CRNM an attraction for more than 8,500 visitors annually and continue to contribute $1.43 million to local economies each year. It is estimated that CRNM contributes $1.43 million to the local economy each year. CRIA relies on tour fees, donations and grants and does not receive any federal funding.
CRIA invites the public to support their efforts by donating to CRIA on Colorado Gives Day, Tuesday December 8th. Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. Please share this with friends and family members and make sure to save the date to make your donation and ensure the future of this Colorado historic site. You can also schedule your donation in advance at ColoradoGives.org.