Chimney Rock Interpretive Association Lecture Series
Chimney Rock Interpretive Association (CRIA) hosts a Lecture Series each year to offer the opportunity for the public and CRIA volunteers to gather and hear a speaker whose topic typically relates to southwest archaeology, archaeoastronomy and/or Chacoan culture . The lectures are free of charge.
This month’s lecture will be presented by CRIA Volunteer and author Ron Sutcliffe on Monday, May 16th at 4:30pm at the Chimney Rock National Monument Amphitheater. Ro
Join us on Monday, May 16th at 4:30pm as author and CRIA volunteer Ron Sutcliffe discusses “Archaeoastronomy and Cultural World Views.” Ron Sutcliffe is the author of Moon Tracks, a guide to understanding the observed patterns of the sun and on and how those patterns may have been employed by ancient astronomers, especially those of Chimney Rock.
Guests at this Lecture will learn about the Academic perceptions of Archaeoastronomy in the Southwest; An address as first given at the Congress of Cultural
Astronomy, Guatemala, Nov. 2019s. The presentation will take place at the Chimney Rock National Monument Amphitheater.
Emily J. Brown’s Virtual Presentation on “Pre-Hispanic Musical Instruments from the American Southwest.”
Dr. Michelle I. Turner’s Virtual Presentation on “Chimney Rock as a Landscape of Interaction on the Chacoan Frontier”
Erica Ellingson’s Virtual Presentation on “Moon Watchers: Did ancient sky observers track the subtle cycle of the lunar standstills?”
Kim Malville’s Virtual Presentation on ““Speculations on the events leading to the creation of the Chimney Rock Great House and those events that followed it’s abandonment.”
Steve Lekson’s Virtual Presentation on “Chaco, North of the San Juan”

2021 Lecture Dates
Please check back for updates.
- January 14- Erica Ellingson, “Moon Watchers: Did ancient sky observers track the subtle cycle of the lunar standstills?”
- Future Lectures TBA